Georgian magician Sergi Dolidze receives an apartment from Mardi Hodling
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Sergi Dolidze receives an apartment from Mardi Hodling


The construction company "Mardi Holding" handed an Apartment to a 20-year-old illusionist Sergi Dolidze. The young magician was invited to "Nanuka’s Show" for a surprise. The 2-room apartment is located in Batumi Mardi Mall - commercial-residential complex.

"Sergi Dolidze deserved great love for the public since his appearance, who had the expectation of his victory in the Talent Show. As he got in the final, we decided to express our appreciation to his talent and diligence," said Natia Sirabidze, executive director of Mardi Holding.

The young magician is invited to participate in the Dutch International Competition of Magicians in Netherlands at the end of May on behalf of Georgia. Sergi says he has prepared a show that will make him a winner.

Property viewing trip to Georgia

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For everyone who wants to buy an apartment in our complex: We offer a free property viewing trip!

Trip conditions

  1. Meeting you at the Batumi airport (free).
  2. Accommodation in a studio apartment or in a hotel room for 3 days and 2 nights (free).
  3. Viewing and choosing an apartment.
  4. Official registration of the selected apartment.
  5. A return transfer to the airport (free).


  1. When you arrive, you will be met at the airport by our  agent. He will hold a tablet in his hand with the logo of our company and also your surname written on it.
  2. The next 2 days you accompanied by our agent will acquaint with our complex, learn different layouts of apartments, look through documentation, and observe the progress of construction. Our agent will help you to choose the most suitable apartment!
  3. On the last day after you sign the preliminary contract of purchase, we will drive you to the airport before your return flight.
  4. Under the terms of our property viewing trip we guarantee the free accommodation in a studio apartment or in a hotel room, which located in the center of the city, for 1 or 2 persons during 3 days. If you buy a property in our building, we will refund the ticket price.


Recording on a tour of the property must be made at least 7 days before the expected date of arrival.

Terms of refund tickets price would be valid only if you bought a property according to the price list. In case you receive a discount or other bonuses the tickets price will not be paid.

Note that staff of our company works in days off. That’s way you can visit us also in non-working days!

If you like our city and decide to stay here, so we will help you to extend visa, and help to organize tours of Adjara at the lowest prices.

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